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Tag Archives: spiritual wayfaring
Dream: Ahadith Laq’ah of Holy Prophet (PBUH)
I was asked to reach my hand out, and I did so. After a while I saw that a white globe shining brightly with white light was handed to me in my right hand. And I was told, that I am being awarded Ahadith-e-laqaa of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged baya`, fecundate, fruit, hand, marriage, spiritual wayfaring, walking
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Sufism versus other Mysticisms
I’ve only begun to learn more about Sufism and Tasawwuf, and i’ve found that it bares much similarity and common ground (such as having a mantra and practicing meditation, adopting concepts like the ego or inner-self, character refinement), etc… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged dervish, mystics, perfection of character, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual journey, spiritual path, spiritual wayfaring, tasawwuf
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