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Tag Archives: trimming beard
Question: In Shaf’i fiqh, is the Sunnah of beard fulfilled by keeping hair on jaw-bones and chin, but trimming them (both from jaw-bones and chin) to less than one’s fist. Can a Hanafi follow this position by making Talfiq (following … Continue reading
Beard Problem
The hair on the left side of my face are so scarce that In case I grow a beard, it would look abnormal. Kindly, guide me on what I should do to grow facial hair… Continue reading
Being pressured to grow beard
. I am a practicing Muslim, 33 years of age. Have a beard, trying to keep this in the sunnat way… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Sunnah
Tagged keeping sunnah, long beard, Mawlana's mureeds, trimming beard
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Grooming a Beard
I would like to know whether it is a sin to trim the beard to less than fist length if it has not yet reached fist length… Continue reading