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Tag Archives: wife’s duty
Female mureed interactions with shaykhfemale mureed interactions with shaykh
Please excuse me if I’m lacking manners in asking this. I’m a female mureed and I would like to know how female seekers can benefit from the short time they’re given with their shaykh. Given that we naturally don’t have the same direct access as male seekers Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged adab with Shaykh, female mureeds, shaykh and mureed, wife's duty
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female mureed interactions with shaykh
Emotionally abusive marriage
It is with heavy heart and sadness that I am writing to you for guidance. My husband of 11 years is being emotionally and mentally abusive to me. He calls me names, shouts when we talk, is very controlling about who I see, where I go… Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged controlling husband, emotional abuse, wife's duty, wifely duty
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