Asking migration


Assalamu alaykum ya sayidi ya mawlana syekh hisham

Appologize if i asking this question , continue my question about migration,i’d like to ask you which place we’ve to go, i’m living in indonesia right now could you show us which country is gonna save from storm and war cause we have many choises here could you show one for us where we must go? jakarta,west java,east java, central java, kalimantan, sumatra or sulawesi ? where the best place for us, we’re living in jakarta now. is jakarta still save for us to live or no?
please mawlana we need the answer cause we confusing to know which place to go.

Wassalamu alaykum wr’wb


wa `alaykum salam,

Make du`a hajjah that Allah open an easy way of provision to the place that is best for the security of your deen, family and following our mashaykh.

Taher Siddiqui

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