Salam, I did istikhara on whether I should do my masters in science education from grades 1-6 or do it in TESOL of all grades to teach the English language. So when I slept I had a dream that I was in a classroom full of some kids. I looked worried and concerned. I walked to the front of the classroom from the back and I saw some cups of soil on top of a table and I dug through the soil and took out big grey or white beans. Then I saw my sixth grade English teacher who looked upset and depressed. Please tell me what this dream is telling me. I was also not sure if I should do masters in general education from grades 1-6.
Walaikumas Salam Wa Rahmatullahi
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Insha Allah you go with what makes practical sense for you. Consult with your parents. This dream is not so clear. Bean in general indicates sorrow, however plenty of them symbolizes money. Soil can symbolize grief, sorrow, fear or it can mean money in form of goods. The best sense I can make out of this dream is better to go for the language education. But its your decision and consult with your parents.
Syed Shahzaman