Is Ahmad al-hassan al-yamani is the true Imam Mahdi?


Salam Sheikhs,
kindly give me information about this matter.
my father and family are mujahideen, and also suffi follower.
i will really be greatfull for information.



wa `alaykum salam,

According to ahadith of Sayyidina Muhammad (s),

The Prophet (s) said about al-Mahdi (as):

If this world has just one day remaining Allāh will extend that day until a man comes. He is from me, (or from my family). His name is like my name, (i.e. Muhammad), his father’s name is like my father’s name (i.e. `Abd Allāh). He fills the earth with equality and justice, as it has been filled with injustice and oppression. (Sahīh hadith according to Tirmidhī in al-Fitan #2231 and #2232. Ibn Taymiyya Minhāj as-Sunnah (4:211). Abū Dāwūd, “Kitāb al-Mahdī” #4282. Albānī, Silsila sahīha #1529)

Based on this, it seems Ahmad al-Hassan al-Yamani does not match this description.

Taher  Siddiqui

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