Salam Shaykh Gabriel,
(1a) Can a non-Muslim punish a Muslim for transgressions of Sharia?
I mean if it is not the law in their country can they say this to a Muslim and practice against him and use shayateen against him and his family and say it is a punishment for your sins because a Sufi Shaykh told them to do this?
(1b) Please give references from all four schools fiqh and all schools of aqida and tassawuf, especially about whether they can punish a Muslim for his sins, from the point of view of Shariah, or whether a Muslim could in a non-Muslim country, if not the khilafah, all of these questions with or without any exception?
Alaykum Salam,
The answer to (1a) is yes, for example punishment for murder, theft etc. As for sihr it is haram, as is use of shayateen, and among the enormous sins.
Gibril Haddad