Please help. You have already advised me how to do wazifa Daud alayhisalam but I forgot to ask some things.
In time of women menses, can I still do this wazifa? Because if I must wait to become Paak again, I can not do it 40 days in a row as every month I will be unpaak for a week.
Also you advise not to contact the person until after wazifa, but I had to contact him as we have mutual friends, will this break the wazifa?
What if after 40 days the wazifa does not work? Do I carry on?
Please dua for me because even when I contacted him during wazifa he was very bitter to me :'(
wa `alaykum salam,
Du`a can be done at all times. You may do more than one cycle of 40 if you
wish, up to three. Try and follow the rest of the advice.
Hajj Gibril Haddad