Can you please do a prayer request for me, I want to start wearing hijab inshAllah. My name is [private] and I am 19 years old and come from a conservative family. My parents pray 5 times a day and fast and my mother covers up (long sleeves and long pants) however she does not wear hijab. None of the girls In my family do. I live in the USA and I don’t care about what outsiders will think of me but for some reason it’s so hard for me to put it on. I used to really look up to the girls in my school that wore hijab but now a lot of them have taken it off. It’s very discouraging. Please make duah so that putting on the hijab is easy for me inshallah.
Wa `alaykum salam,
Alhamdulillah, that you have inspiration to do something better than what you are doing. If the intention is to do it to please Allah, please do not be discouraged in not trying because of fear of failing. Say “Bismillah” and do it, and as far as failing, many times people try, fail and try again!! There is nothing wrong in trying to correct one’s self over and over again until one succeeds. May Allah make it easy for you and for all, in all good actions that leads to His pleasure.
Dr. Tasneem