Salamu alaykum wa rahmatulah,
I live in Europe and am a divorced woman with sons. People won’t accept me with hijab to work. My ex husband is not paying any support for his sons who lives with me. I don’t want to take off my hijab outside of my flat. I know I should go work, but really they do difficult for my Islamic headscarf. Please make dua that I get support for my sons and that people accept me to work with my hijab. Even cleaning toilets from kuffar…they don’t accept my headscarf. I used to clean toilets for 1300 € but they kicked me out because of the new rule in Belgium. We are not allowed to wear any religious things. I don’t want to disobey Aklah by taking off my hijab. I feel safe and good with my hijab. Ahamdulilah ya Rabb.wa alaykum salam.
`Alaykum Salam,
May Allah Most High accept your excellent intention and grant you and your family’s rizq, protection and safety here and hereafter.
Belgium prohibits headscarf (hijab) only in schools and government facilities, not in public space as far as we know. As for private companies it is up to their own policies so try to find one that accommodates you. If you cannot, then see our advice given here.
Hajjah Faridah