Sexual Honor


Sa.I have been divorced for about  six months. He lied about my female honor and  said that I did not come clean to him. It’s a lie! Doctors informed me about a problem of vaginismus (involuntary contractions), but threatened me bad and showed violence. I came clean to him, but he said that because my disease he is taking my mahr. He also said “I am not sure about the first night with you, it was a lie”. He took my virginity and forgive but I saw blood. I prayed Allah give me a reason if he is good for me to get together. He has now another girl.I have done bad dua about him so he will see the pain. I am also a mureed of shayk Nazim Hakkani.

He said to me go with another men to bed to get of your disease. What can I do to be happy and marry? Is he right or me?


You are already divorced. If it is all lies leave him with his fitna and move on with your new life. Make dua for yourself and make dua for him. Allah will open up the way for you to remarry with a good man. Recite “Ya Jabbar” x100 daily.

Hajjah Faridah

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