Salaam Aleikum honorable ones,
Sounds silly question, compared to the major problems people face. I know part of it is connected to my vanity, fear, and upbringing. I became Muslim two years ago, happily wore scarf, and proud of this. My Christian friends were disgusted by it, my kids told me I look ugly with it. A lot of people here in my country are hostile to the scarf. I did not care. Then I married a very sweet younger Muslim man. He told me I look ugly with the scarf and he said he does not want people to be hostile to the scarf and me.When I wear it, he takes it off. When I confront him, he says, do what you want, but I cannot since I feel he thinks I am ugly with it on, and will start to think about other beautiful women. But he cares for me, and the hostile feeling of others towards. Forgive me please for this silly question.
wa `alaykum salam,
You are doing it for Allah swt’s sake, so you decide what you want to do.
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani