graves and pictures


Shaykh forgive me for reasking the question, but my question wasnt whether we should go or not, without a doubt i know we should go. what i wanted to learn was why are some graves built high and cemented if its against shariah
forgive me for any bad adab id only like to learn more.
also, we have many pictures of MSN qs and of Grandshaykh qs too, people say its against Islam to do Musawirri, because its in a hadith, but MSN wouldnt have let it happen if pictures wernt allowed. Are they allowed because pictures are not a remake of Allahs creation they are only capturing Gods creation as it is?


wa `alaykum salam,

1) See the post: Raised Graves at for the answer.

2) “Fiqh of Portraits & Photography


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