Rude Response to Question Ask – Dissapointing


Mr. Tahir Siddiqui,

a very rude response to a question put up by myself. you have given us the opportunity to ask questions, and we all are aware that Hazrat Dawood Dua is a very risky dua which must be read as instructed, You can see from my posts that specific instructions weren’t given hence the need to ask further which appeared to be “burden” on you, if that is the case then we shouldnt be given the opportunity to ask questions.

the simple question which was a ‘burden’ to you was how many times im required to read the said dua, im sure answering the same would not have taken up your time.


So I apologize for my poorly worded answer, if you understood giving you an answer is a burden on us. That is definitely not the case. What I meant is the burden will fall on the questioner when more details are added. In the case of this du`a, unless you were instructed to repeat it, just recite it one time daily.

As Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani said in the Post “Recitation of Quran, dhikr, salawat in menses”:

You have been granted that rukhsa, why dig? When Sayyidina Musa (s) ordered his people to slaughter a cow, instead of doing it they said to him, “Describe the cow.” He told them, “OK cow neither old nor too young,” but they asked further, “What kind of cow and went into all kinds of details and descriptions, “what color?” And Allah gave them a very difficult color to find.

So we say, why go into these things? Allah gave you an excuse not to pray, fast and touch Quran. If you want to recite Quran however, you are permitted, even if without wudu. You can even do salat `ala an-Nabi (praise of the Prophet) without wudu. But if you want to be more pious you should make wudu, and that is `azheematu ‘sh-shari`ah, the highest level of observance. But there is rukhsa, you can make dhikr and laa ilaaha ill ‘Llah if you don’t have wudu.

Taher Siddiqui

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