I’m depressed and can’t get a way out!!


Assalm..I’m a woman nearly 24 yrs old,i got married 4 years before. one week after our wedding we went to a foreign country to study and settle but we had to return back home after 1 year as things wasn’t easy..i can’t have a baby as we are facing financial problems we neither have our own house..life is getting hard day by day ,I’m depressed. even our small business isn’t working life is very hard in my country ..my own family are jealous of us they do everything( black magic) so that we can’t stay overseas or be successful in life. Help me i need your duahs, pray for me please i really want to go overseas again and start a new life. please help me i never had a happy life since i got married.


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

wa `alaykum salam
To eliminate depression and all kinds of worries, see here.

For general protection from black magic, see here.


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