Blessed hair of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham


Assalam alaykom wr wb
During Salat an-Najat I prayed for GrandShaykh Abdullah Faiz ad-Daghestani, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and Mawlana Shaykh Hisham to support me in a court trial. After crying in sujood, subhanAllah I got up and found one long blessed hair of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham’s beard laying across my laptop. I cried in gratitude, made shukr and heard tapping on my window. Ever since then, I’ve kept this same blessed hair directly on my heart always. This has been 4 months now elhamdulillah. I noticed lately that his hair is slowly each day changing color to a golden color when before was white. What does this mean? Endless gratitude to Mawlana Shaykh Hisham for your most precious gifts, we love you always and forever. You are the Owner and Protector of my life and everything in it. Allah raise you in ranks and keep us at your feet in dunya and in akhira ameen.


wa `alaykum salam,

It means you are supported by Grandshaykh, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and also they have directed me to take care of you and so you will always be under their protection and from time to time you will receive some support from al-`abd al-faqeer.

Insha-Allah your court go smoothly and you will be saved by Mawlana’s baraka. That hair is a real one and changing color means your status changing from lower to higher. Silver is white and gold is higher so insha-Allah it means you are progressing better and better through your spiritual life.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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