Is Music Haram ?


Asslamalekum sir, I am actually trying to get close to Allah.. so you know there is a great argument on the issue of music. Honestly I’m a music lover and its a great entertainment indeed. So if we are following Islamic rules, remembering Allah, so is it really bad to listen to the music for some relaxation? I believe the music which leads us to the path of astray, should be avoided of course but is it halal to listen to the music? If haram kindly do mention the reason and ayat of the QURAN -E-PAAK .

You see sir all the instruments of music are also used in this ”naat‘ I think only dafli is allowed. Kindly guide me properly. Allah knows best


wa `alaykum salam,

See the Post “Music” by Imam Ismaeel Dhul Qarnayn.


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