Every1 refuse to do Ruqya, I am hopeless


Salam to everyone
i hv urgent req plz shaykh sahib, it’s been 1month and 2weeks over i posted my problem and i never got reply plz on urgent basis reply me, i asked if i can do that ruqya for love (hazrat daud as dua) by myself i talked to moulana of islamic center’ wife if moulana about this she also refuse to do she said her husband moulana sahib said there is no such thing taweez is not allowed in islam plz tell me what to do, i am sinful person but i repent and ask for forgiveness can, my question is can i do this ruqya for love by myself, Salam to all Allah give u highest maqam in jannah plz remember me in ur dua.


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

Wa `alaykum salam wr wb,
There is general permission to use the Dua of Sayyidina Dawud (as). You may proceed as listed here.


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