Prayer Request: Desperately need to earn


Salam alaikum.

I am a highly qualified woman but for the last eight years i cannot earn any money. I started a school but I got very few students. People come to see, then they go away. I had a good business in training work with my husband. It required travel once a year in the summer. Then the training requests came in March or other months when I cannot travel as I cannot leave my only child behind. She is in school and I have no relatives in the city to leave her with. So now my husband travels for the training, but the preparation which I do, he says it is nothing and is always angry. I think there is some big bandish on my earning. I always earned before. Ya Shaikh, please tell me what to pray.


wa `alaykum salam,

Per Hajjah Naziha’s recommendation for this situation:

Insha-Allah rizq will open to you too.

Recite Ya Razzaq 100 times daily;
Ya Fattah 100 times  daily;
Ya Haleem 100 times daily;
Recite Salawat  Darud 100-1000 times daily to take you out of your situation, and keep your daily five prayers, don’t stop the praying.


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