Permission for Duah of Sayyiduna Dawood AS and sins


Assalaam ‘alaykum.
I posted a request before “aunty living very hard life” and alhamdulillah Shaykh Gibril answered. i wanted to give her the wazifa of Sayyiduna Dawood AS but i hesitated because i see people asking permission for that. So im asking permission to give it to my aunt. Her husband cheated on her with many women in the past 20 years. She is very depressed.

my second question is that since more than a year i repented from a sin associted with another sin and never thought of committing that again. i also went for Hajj. shaytan fooled me and i committed the sins which i thought i finished with them. now im worried because even after doing Hajj i fell back again in these. what can i do Shaykh. im sad. im 24 and unmarried and its quite difficult at times to resist. Can Shaykh Gibril please reply.


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

wa `alaykum salam,
General permission has been granted to read the dua of Sayyidina Dawood (as), so there is no need for everyone to ask. Your aunt may proceed as instructed here inshaa-Allah.

As for falling back into sin, please refer to the posts here and here.


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