
Saw this dream in makkah sharif. i saw me and my wife and my Shaykh walking,there is a bandage around my wife’s foot as if its wounded.Shykh said to my wife who asked you to over burden yourself. there saw small steeps i and my Shaykh cleared them but my wife was not able to do so due to bandage. Shykh holded her big toe and crossed her the steeps. then i kissed his hands, he asked to me,do you want seneorit (buzurgi)?.i started crying that no i dont want it as you are my Hallow (Buzurg).he said take it or you will be rotten over here…


Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-l lāhi r-rahmāni r-rahīm

It shows that your Shaykh will raise you to be a real mureed (and not a Muneeb) if you accept to carry people burden insh Allah. Your wife, in this particular dream, is representing your ego preventing your soul to follow the spiritual path and reach the Divine Presence.

And Allah knows best.


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