Need Prayers, Blessings and Advice



AssalaamAlaikum Brother,
My name is [private]. This a brief of my case..
I am a final year medical student. I came to [private] 2 years ago to finish my clinicals. I also work. I live alone and for the past few weeks I have been seeing faces (sometimes till their shoulders and hands) on my carpet all over the apartment. Began in between sunnah and nafl of isha prayer – ignored for a while as waswasa – coz only a year doing my prayers regularly.. The first few times I saw only bearded men but soon all kinds appeared incl. women. sometimes feel presence and leave all lights on now.

Had severe hives which were refractory to strong treatmt right before USMLE step 2 CK exam – went awy after exam -I failed – also because I am unable to study. was good student without much effort. 3.8 GPA in med school and High honors in Clinicals. Passed USMLE steps 1 and 2CS. Also the last year woke up with severe stomach pain 2 days b4 Step2CS exam – At ER all day, found nothing but Alhamdulillah passed somehow. Now my exam is wednesday – Im seeing things. my arm feel heavy and get electric like mild currents in scalp. Haven’t been able to study but last date for exam to be able to apply for residency. Also last week after suhur I had severe vomiting after a little discomfort in chest 2 mins b4 fajr adhan. I quickly washed myself and fasted for Ashura anyways. Healthy lifestyle but always tired and these days no control on sleep, sometimes don’t hear alarms or phone calls and once slept for 14 hrs. seems I have weaker memory, no concentration get nothing done.

My sister in [private] went to one person who is praying for me and another person sent taweez to wear and drink n also gave 9 pieces of paper to burn everyday. I don’t doubt them as they don’t want money in return to helping people. Started using them but no one to ask if I should even do this as both my parents passed away when we were young( Alhamdulillah they were good people and show good states in my dreams- though many I can’t interpret). Burning taweez freaks me. Nothing changed but I’m not scared much now. Local mosque- no help. I play loud quran and also pray regularly and In sha Allah, intend to increase from thursday after my exam. many more life’s issues which I fight out..but this is draining my energy.

Please pray for my success in USMLE step 2 CK exam on wed. nov. 20 and Allah,swt, make my trip for exam successful. Please also mention to pious shaykhs u know so God willing I can be blessed with their prayers, blessings, advise. I am immersed in debts(due to school loans and support my siblings), I have a lot of responsibilities n can hardly afford to travel – so pray that Allah(swt) opens a good way to meet Shaykh Hisham and Hajah Naziha or at least sit in his gathering some time.

Thank you for hearing me! May Allah reward you immensely. I’m worthless but I have trust in Allah and in blessings and prayers of those close to Allah!


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

wa `alaykum salam,
Please follow the advice given here and read about our Grandshaykh’s taweez explained by Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani here.

See the answers in the following posts:

Devastated due to memory power
Prayer Request: To Pass My Exams InshaaAllah
Prayer Request: I am sick and scared
Prayer Request: Debt


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