Dua of Prophet Dawood (a.s)


Hello Sir,

I need help. I love a girl and she used to love me too, we had a clear intention of marrying each other. My family knows about this and we’ve been together for like 3 years. Recently she fell for someone and she is even confused and frustrated. She is not able to decide or find out why is this happening to her provided she knows that I am a better person than the other guy but she is not able to feel the same way for me. I just don’t want to give up as I love praying and asking from her to Allah. Kindly, guide me for reciting Hazrat Dawood. a.s. dua. I mean is it necessary to do the fasting process or we can recite it 101 times daily. For how long this should be done and also i need the permission. Kindly reply as soon as possible.


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

There is general permission to recite this dua. Please proceed as stated here. Shaykh Gibril has said to wear the tawiz for 40 days and if no improvement than move on. See also here for an advice by Hajjah Faridah.


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