

Assalam o Alaikum sir there’s a guy I’m in love with and he loves me too everything was fine until her sick aunt presented her last wish of her daughter getting married to him. He refused it but his parents couldn’t resist and they agreed. Hes engaged now and before that he told his mother about us and requested her for the istekhara so she did got it done by some mufti and it favored her. I’d done my istekhara by myself and its a yes for him but at this stage when her aunt’s on the death bed and his mother’s seriously ill we can not do anything. but problem comes here that I’ve heard istekhara should be performed by one himself and I’d tried to convince him to do it again but he thinks that’ll be a sin. Can you please tell me any wazifa for it?


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

wa `alaykum salam,
InshaaAllah, you may follow Shaykh Taher’s advice here.


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