should we strive for monarchy/caliphate in islamic world


Assalam u alayekum Sheikh Hisham !
last summer i met some people including my cousin who aked me to join them as they were running a campaign (although it is on very small scale uptill now) to bring caliphate/monarchy in Pakistan.At that time i argued with them and denied to join them because i has interpreted to do this from a dream and also i had my reservations that they will probably promote wahhabism and salafism if they ever succeed.They gave some refrences from Quran and hadith in opposition of parliamentary jurisdiction.?(Syedi you had also disagreed with the idea earlier in an interview to ‘geo tv Pakistan’)
now that after Maulana Sheikh Nazim’s recent summary has come on egypt scenario,should i join them to promote their cause i.e to bring back monarchy/islamic jurisdiction and should i strive with them leaving the matter of their intentions to Allah
shukran ya syyedi.


wa `alaykum salam,

Our master Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani teaches that monarchy is the best form of government, short of khilafa nabawiyya, which ended in the first century of Hijrah and will only be revived with the advent of Sayyidina al-Mahdi (as). However, the motives of the people your cousin associates with should be strongly studied for any movement today seeking political power is beyond the pale for those who follow Mawlana Shaykh, except those directly authorized by him.

For more information see the Post: “Is Kingship Accepted in Islam?

W ‘Allahu `alam,

Taher Siddiqui

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