Belief & Doctrine

Beliefs of Islam, known as `Aqidah (creed or doctrine) or the Aspects of Iman (faith). All that pertain to the Unseen: Allah (God) and His Divine Attributes, Angels, revealed books of Allah, Prophets of Allah, the Hereafter, Destiny (the Divine Decree) and Resurrection after death.

difficulties in following Islam as a western woman in the countryside

About 15 years ago i learned about islam. During those years i tried to follow this sufi path by internet. Continue reading

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How to change my destiny

How can I change my destiny? Continue reading

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Thoughts of nuclear war

Sometimes I am stricken with obsessive thoughts about nuclear war. It feels so imminent, as if it can realistically take place this year Continue reading

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A Tayyibi Isma’ili friend of mine wants to know how people know there was ijma on the kufr of Isma’ilis, Continue reading

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Ashari Aqidah

I learned that asharis say the sifat afal are haadith and not ascribed to god’s dhat. Continue reading

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Is Najd mentioned in hadith Iraq?

I have argued with him that this Hadith speaks about the Najd area in Arabia, but he counter argued refrenced to some hadith which mentions Iraq as the horns of satan. Continue reading

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Validity of narration: Sayyida Fatima (a) is present for the visitors of Sayyidina al-Husayn (a)

Question: Salam alaykum Shaykh What is the validity of this narration: قال الإمام الصادق (عليه السلام) : (( إن فاطمة بنت محمد – صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم – تحضر لزوّار قبر ابنها الحسين – (عليه السلام) – فتستغفر لهم … Continue reading

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Good innovation

Question: Assalamu alaikum, I have a question on good innovations. Salafis contend that good innovations are only allowed in adiyyyat (non ritualistic actions) for masalih mursala, not for innovations in the religon itself. What would be the response? Answer: Waalaykumussalam … Continue reading

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Day of Judgement (DOJ) – Does difrnt circumstances mean difrnt way of judgment

The rich can setup sadaqatul jaariya increasing good deeds. Continue reading

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Nation Of Islam

My husband started to follow Nation Of Islam (from Farrakhan) partially, he is in between sunna Islam and Nation of Islam. Continue reading

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