Tag Archives: qadr

How to change my destiny

How can I change my destiny? Continue reading

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Fate and Free Will

What is the connection between free will and fate? Continue reading

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Intentions and Actions

is it correct to say that actually the only thing a man can do is to come up with an intention or niyyat, and the rest is carried out by Allah.  Continue reading

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Can you change your destiny through prayer?

Can you change your fate through prayer? For instance, a man that I have loved for years. Continue reading

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Question: assalam alaikum, I have a confused question to ask. I wanted to know when we are born are we written already to go Hell or heaven? Or is there any free will choice to choose. If our Qadr is … Continue reading

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Divine Will and Divine Approval

I always believed anything that happened or will come to pass is solely what Allah wanted, whether we liked or disliked it, regardless of whether we felt “responsible”… Continue reading

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Supplication and the Divine Will

Q: …I sometimes feel there is no point in asking Allah for specific things (for example, Oh Allah, please let me get a job or wife, etc) because what Allah has written shall come to pass regardless of whether we ask or not… Continue reading

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Interpretation of “Ma Khalaq” in Surat al-Falaq

Q: One particular part that stuck out on me which, for me, tainted this book and I could be wrong is when he mentioned the verse from Surah Falaq “min sharri MA khalaq” which is usually translated “from the evil He has created”. Continue reading

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