
Esau brother of Yaqub (as)

Is there any mention of the biblical Esau, the son of Ibrahim (as), in Islamic tradition? Continue reading

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Is Najd mentioned in hadith Iraq?

I have argued with him that this Hadith speaks about the Najd area in Arabia, but he counter argued refrenced to some hadith which mentions Iraq as the horns of satan. Continue reading

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On whether Maryam (as) married

Did Maryam(as) married Joseph the carpenter, had children and have living descendants? Thank you. Continue reading

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Ka´b ibn al Ashraf

Did the Prophet (saw) order to kill Ka´b ibn al Ashraf and if yes, why he was killed? Continue reading

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The Khulafa Rashidun

Why is it always referred to as the 4 khalifs and not the 5 khalifs Continue reading

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Origin of Mawlid celebrations

I have often read in academic literature or heard claims from wahabis that state Maulid celebrations started with Shias seven centuries ago Continue reading

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The lady of heaven

Question: Assalamu Alaykum There is a film called The Lady of Heaven which is causing a lot of mayhem within Muslims what should our reactions be towards this film. Wassalam Pray for me and all. Answer: Waalaykumussalam warahmatullah, Avoid and … Continue reading

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Is this book authored by Sayyiduna Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani?

Is the book البلبل الصادى بمولد الهادي (al-Bulbul al-Saadi bi Mawlid al-Haadi – The Chanting Nightingale on the Mawlid of the Guide) authentically attributed to Sayyiduna Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani (may Allah have mercy upon him)? Continue reading

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Influence of Ibn Taymiyya on Mohammed Hayat Al Sindi, Ibrahim Al Kurani, Kadizadeli

explain the influence of Ibn Taymiyya that is found among the circles of these two teachers. Shah Wali Allah and ibn Abdulwahhab. Continue reading

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Scientific method of the Islamic ‘Golden’ Age

To what extent did Sufis or the Fuqaha accept the scientific method of the Islamic ‘Golden’ age? Continue reading

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