Assalamu Alaikum,
Aoozu billahi himminash shaitan nir rajeem – Bismillah hir Rahman Nir Raheem
1. I was in a Dark Hall / Many Rooms (Dark) with a bunch of keys to lock the doors which I believe i locked…At one time I saw a broken door from outside…Later, inside I advised someone of the broken door for repairs…My former attempt to to a sister for Nikah is an Accountant…I passed the Accountant Office and continue seeking other doors to lock…
2. A HUGE Black snake slowly came descending a hill towards my building where it keep trying to dodge my attacks at its head when it raised its head to look at me…I struggle and use either Swords or blades to stop this Snake…Eventually I managed to harm it..but with some collateral damage..
Can I have your advise on these two Dreams…
Jazak Allah Khairun
Walaikumas Salam Wa rahmatullah
Auzubillahi minash shaitanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
A large dark hall may mean a lot of things (depends on your circumstances) such as, discomfort, financial difficulties, a non-cooperating wife, a bad mistress of the house, a low ranking position that involves danger, a troublesome son, a lazy employee, or a bad investment. The key symbolizes access to learning, especially the Holy Quran. Keys could also symbolize messengers, money or the pilgrimage to Mecca (Makkah). Locking the doors with keys means you are overcoming the many difficulties represented by each door in the dark hall by reciting and following Holy Quran in all aspects of your life. Additionally, you must recite Darood Shareef at least 100x a day.
A black snake in a dream represents a strong enemy. A sword in your case probably mean knowledge. Eventually you will defeat your enemy with knowledge of Holy Quran. Recite and try to understand it as much as you can. Give money as charity and if possible make intention for Hajj or Umra. Insha Allah all problems will be solved.
Syed Shahzaman