What invalidates wudu – Shafii


As wr wb,

I was recently at a  dinner & a brother was taking some yoghurt for his wife before his spoon touched it saying it would take her wudhu and is a shafi thing.

Can you please explain more on this and:

If a wife shares cup, glass, mug as her husband does this break her wudhu?

If wife takes bite of husbands sandwich etc… does this break her wudhu?

If wife shares cutlery with husband … does this break her wudhu?

Can you please elaborate on this issue.
Does this apply to all non mahrams.

Jazakullah khair.


As narrated from our mother Maymuna (Allah be well-pleased with her) in the Sahih, the Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) would make ghusl out of the same container as his wife and this shows that dipping into the same liquid as one’s wife certainly does not invalidate wudu‘. Even less does a spouse’s su’r (saliva) in itself break one’s wudu‘, and in the Shafii madhhab the things that invalidate wudu‘ are four — period: (1) passing something from the front or rear end; (2) unconsciousness; (3) touching genitals directly; and (4) skin contact with a non-mahram of the opposite sex.

And Allah knows best.

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