As salamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatuLLAHi wa barakatuh,
What are the types of Taqlid and do we differentiate between Taqlid in a Fiqhi Madhhab like Hanafiyyah and Taqlid in an ‘Aqidah Madrassah like Ash’ariyyah?
Alaykum salam,
For the majority of people taqlid is for whoever teaches them the religion including creed and salat, which therefore is a combination of doctrinal and juridical rulings. After that the more knowledge one acquires the more their grasp of proofs increases and their taqlid diminishes. However, we are obligated to believe in Allah and the Last Day and Prophet (saws) with complete conviction devoid of taqlid.
See also here, and if you read Arabic there are two worthy books on the topic by Syrian scholars: Muhammad Sa’id al-Bani, ‘Umdat al-tahqiq fi al-taqlid wa al-talfiq (Damascus: Hukumat Dimashq Press, 1923) and Abdal Ghani Nabulusi, Khulasat al-tahqiq fi bayan hukm al-taqlid wa-al-talfiq.
Hajj Gibril Haddad