Assalamualaikum ya Sayyidi mawana Syeihk Hisam Kabanni and Syeihk Gibril Fuad Haddad.
May Allah bless and give long live for Mawlana Syeihk Nazim and You.
At Monday night about 03.00 AM I dream meet with my uncle and cousin.
My uncle ask, “ Are u Naqsbandi”? and I said, “yes” and then he ask more ,”which is line the Naqsbandi of yours”? and I said,”just Naqsbandi”. And the other side, during my uncle ask to me, my cousin hardly hold my arm.
After that my uncle, opened and blowed my mouth.
In reality world relationship between I with my uncle is good, but between with my cousin is not good.
What the meaning my dream above. Thank you my Sayyidi.
Assalamu alaikum …….
Alaykum as-Salam and Amin to your du`a. May Allah grant you and yours
blessings always. Your uncle and cousin are interested in Mawlana Shaykh Nazim but something is keeping them back. Keep good silat ar-rahm and recite for them, for yourself and family after every Salat before tasbih: Fatiha, Ayat al-Kursi, Amana ar-Rasul, and the last three Surahs of Qur’an.
Hajj Gibril Haddad