Salam alaykoum warahmatullah wa barakatuhu.
I have a problem. I stopped with masturbations since few month .But now, I have sexual desire at night, and I practise this gesture unconsciously only the night. Nevertheless I read Ayat ul Kursi, Surat Al nas, falaq AL Al ahad before to sleep… And I seek refuge with Allah against these desires . But they are always presents..
Please ,I will stop this desire ,because it’s like this all night !
Jazak Allahukhayran.
wa `alaykum salam,
Insha-Allah Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani is praying for you.
The best and only permanent solution is to marry. As Mawlana Shaykh Hisham has said in order to emphasize the importance of this Sunnah in our time, that where the Prophet (s) said “marriage is half of the faith”, marriage in our time “is all of the faith.” And that is because massive temptation is everywhere and it almost impossible to avoid or ignore.
W ‘Allahu `alam,
Taher Siddiqui
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