Dream: Green Wreath


Sallamun Allaykum Mawlana Sheikh Hisham and TEAM,

I am writing on behalf of our sister and friend who saw in her dream 2 days ago another sister and friend in Tariqah dressing her head with a green wreath made of plant leaves and dressing her shoulders with a green wrap like fur or scarf made of green leaves.
Thank you for your interpretation and support.


Aoodhu Billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem
Wa `alaikum salaam wa rahmatullah
Tariqatuna as Sohbah wa’l-Khayru fi ‘l-Jami`ah

Green color corresponds to perfecting ones character and being dressed with living actions.  Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani has explained in Surah Yasin:
“And we provided you from something green, fire, and from it you warm yourselves.”
Thus when your actions are full of love for Allah, His Prophet (s) and awliya your deeds become living and full of light and a source of energy. Insha Allah you will reach such realities by the barakah of these living shuyukh and their teachings.

Just as you are extending your help to this sister, the dream signifies a benefit coming to the sister being dressed by the one dressing her. The later sister is also honored in this dream by being a source of goodness. In this dream dressing the head signifies honor, dressing the shoulders protection, and green signifies the Prophetic blessing on the sister, insha’Allah growing in her Islam, Belief and Perfection of Servanthood to Allah. Salawat on our beloved Messenger, Salla Allah Alayhi Wa Sallam, is important here. May Allah give you success.
W ‘Allahu `Alam wa Rasuluh

Kamau Ayyubi & Hesham Bazaara
reviewed and approved by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

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