Tag Archives: tariqah
Benefits of Bayah, loyalty, and may I leave if I do not find myself loyal and in love? Plus can I have practices of another Tariqah?
What are the benefits of giving Bayah, and I want my loyalty to be true and that of love and strength, and wisdom. Continue reading
How to call for help from gous e azam & Shah e Naqsband?
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A Sunni sayad has direct link with Rasul Allah S.A.W and has visions, is guided and witness Allah’s Tajalli… Continue reading
You came to my friend’s dream!!
We are from Bosnia. My friend dreamed of you twice and get your name in a dream, and we found you on Facebook page. We do not know why you come to dream. Bless you. Continue reading
I come from parents that had some influence on mainstream culture and I though I could be of positive use. But guidance has left me feeling like I am of no use to anybody, and that relying on Allah is also too much of a feat to achieve. Continue reading
I am very confused! (Kafam Çok Karıştı!)
Yeni rastladım araştırırken. Adnan Efendi var… Hişam Efendi ile kardeş galiba. O, Mehmet Efendi’ye biat ediyorum dedi. Birde Hişam Efendinin mümkünse bahsetmiş olduğunuz o sohbetin (tarikat Şah-i Merdan Hz. Ali’nin elinde) videosu var mı? Continue reading
Bayah with Shaykh Hisham in Birmingham
Alhamdulilah I was privileged to meet Mawlana Shaykh Hisham when he came to Birmingham. A question which I have is that I did bayah with him intending to renew bayah with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim. Continue reading
I wish to learn about Sufism and the Shaykh, and how to do bay’at and about Aqeeda? Continue reading
Important Question Regarding Tariqah
Since Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s physical passing there has been a state of confusion among mureeds. Through social media, I’ve came to know many from Europe have initiated to Shaykh Mehmet Adil. Continue reading
Following Fuqaha Outside of the Tareeqah
I have not made Bayat yet, but am interested. My main reservation is whether or not we are allowed to follow fuqaha who do not follow the Shaykh. Continue reading