Tag Archives: Charity

Dream of the Prophet (s) beardless

today in the morning I dreamt Prophet (sal). Continue reading

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Covid-19 Vaccine

They are offering the Covid-19 Vaccines to my age group. Continue reading

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Sufilive donations

If I donate on sufilive.com is it the same as giving the money to Mawlana Shaykh Hisham? Continue reading

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Blood Relatives

Who are my blood relatives according to Islam and what are my rights over them? Continue reading

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I come from parents that had some influence on mainstream culture and I though I could be of positive use. But guidance has left me feeling like I am of no use to anybody, and that relying on Allah is also too much of a feat to achieve. Continue reading

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Paying zakat and sadaqa on the internet

Sometimes I cannot find anyone to give sadaqa or food near where I live.
Is it acceptable to pay zakat, give daily sadaqa and offer meals using the websites below? Continue reading

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Hadith: Iman of Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (r) twice that of Sayyidina ‘Umar (r)

I am looking for the hadith where Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (r) donated all his wealth and Sayyidina ‘Umar (r) half and the Prophet (s) said to Sayyidina ‘Umar (r) your iman is half that of Abu Bakr. Continue reading

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Permission for Surgery (URGENT)

My son has an affliction that prevents him from swallowing. He therefore has a feeding tube in place and his doctor has said that it is a good idea to move the tube to reduce irritation around the area. Continue reading

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Provident Fund

I am working with a private company in Pakistan. Provident Fund (PF) is deducted every month from my salary. PF is managed by some other company. Here are the details of contribution. Continue reading

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Dream: Late mother and snow clouds

My mom was diagnosed with cancer in 2005 then passed away in 2007.
I dreamed that I am walking with her and notice some loose skin on her wrist and one other place. I ask her what it was, she replied matter-of-factly, “It’s been eight years since my cancer diagnosis… Continue reading

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