Tag Archives: snow
marriage istikhara
heard news it was going to snow, but I doubted it but it did Continue reading
Dream: Late mother and snow clouds
My mom was diagnosed with cancer in 2005 then passed away in 2007.
I dreamed that I am walking with her and notice some loose skin on her wrist and one other place. I ask her what it was, she replied matter-of-factly, “It’s been eight years since my cancer diagnosis… Continue reading
Dream: Snow in summer
I had a dream that it was snowing and it was very hot outside. Can… Continue reading
Dream: Wearing hijab while a man hugs me
I was walking about in the snow and wearing a Hijab. I saw a friend come up to me… Continue reading
Dream: Quest
I have this dream from time to time which essentially stays the same but the scenario changes a bit. It starts off with me on a quest for knowledge and physical training on top of a snowy mountain, where I train my mind and body with spiritual knowledge as my guide. Continue reading