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Tag Archives: fire
Fire in dream
I had a dream and saw fire everywhere Continue reading
marriage istikhara
heard news it was going to snow, but I doubted it but it did Continue reading
Dream: End of the world
I saw the moon as if it was on fire, then comets started falling from the sky. We… Continue reading
Dream: Ka`aba and Orphans
In my dream the Kaba was lit on fire and I was told that the original structure of the Kaba had fallen down… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged fire, Ka`aba, orphans
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Dream: Fire
I dreamt that Maulana predicted that a fire will break out at this house flats (I’m staying in one of the house)… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Allah's Decree, Allah's Will, Arabic letters, belief, blaze, books, Divine Decree, Divine Will, extinguish, faith, finger, fire, fitna, guidance, house, notes, protection, qadar, safety, takbir, tariqah, water
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Dream: Sayiddina Rasullulah (sAaws)
People were running away from something and Rasullulah (saws) was looking at them one by one from a mile away… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged blaze, building, fire, istikhara, jannah, missed fajr, no account, paradise, Prophet Muhammad (s), Rasulullah, running, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), seeking marriage, sister, zina
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Dream: Woman got burn.
Someone had a dream that he saw the woman he love is tied with chain, burning with fire on desert like having azaab from God… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `adhab, bad sign, burning, chain, fire, help, istikhara, love interest, move on, negative sign, punishment, sign, tied, woman
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Understanding Suluk
1. jamaa actually there are still some who smoke even though doing furtively, and I also give a copy of the shuhba… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `ulema, addiction, advice, awliya, awrad, cigarettes, fajr, fire, ikhlas, love to Shaykhs, majlis, mouth, mureed, murid, practice, qibla, quit smoking, sidq, sincerity, smoke, smoker, smoking, suluk, support, truthfulness, wazifa, wudu
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