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Tag Archives: iblis
Dream: Musa (as) and Iblis
I saw myself running in a place searching for someone. Then suddenly I see Musa (as) and it seems that he just killed the person I was looking for and that person was actually Iblis but before he became defiant towards Allah swa… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `asa, Allah's Plan, arch-enemy, cane, cause and effect, Divine Wisdom, iblis, Sayyidina Khidr (as), Sayyidina Musa (as), spiritual support, staff, stick, zhahir
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Hadith of Visit of Shaytan
What is the authenticity of this hadith? Continue reading
Iblis: Jinn or Angel?
I was told that Iblese was not an angel but a Jinn… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged angels, Angels Unveiled, disobedience, iblis, rebellious ego, Sayyida Hawa, Sayyidina Adam (as), Shaytan, spiritual ranks
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Virtuous Circle
Corruption has infected this nation. Generation of leaders are involved in this… Continue reading
Dream: A disappearing sheikh
I am asking this dream on behalf of a Shia/revert brother who is interested in learning more about Sufism… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged accept, bow, cheese, disappear, eat, ego, European looking, iblis, Indian, interested, no, Pakistani, prostration, red, refusal, revert, sajda, sajdah, shaykh, Shi`a, silver plate, Sufism, turban, yes
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Dream: Rasulullah (s) and Sayyidina Jibril
Last month, I was attacked by Iblis and the attack was blocked by Jibril a.s. I have a doubt about it and then the next day, I had a dream where in the dream I was surrounded by shaitanic sihr and Rasulullah help and support me spiritually… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angel, archangel, black magic, convert, Gabriel, ghayb, hearing voices, help, iblis, madad, Prophet Muhammad (s), protection, Sayyidina Jibril, Shaytan, sihr, support
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Dream:Awliyah or Jinnat?
Q: I have a wahabi who asked me how I know Wali Sufi appear to me as if I know he is really or whether it is a Jinn going for him? Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged anti-Messiah, awliya, companions, figure, form, iblis, image, jannah, mahfuzhun, paradise, picture, Sahaba, Sayyidina Adam (as), Sayyidina Muhammad (s), Shaytan
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Disobedience of the Jinn Before Adam (as)
Question: Please can you answer for the following question? I have heard the below statement in the khutbah of Imam just before juma prayer at the Mosque, “Before Allah swt created Adam asĀ He swt created jinns and they were … Continue reading
Posted in History, Qur'an & Tafsir
Tagged bloodshed, disobedience, fire, freewill, human beings, iblis, Ibn `Abbas (r), Imam ar-Razi, jinn, kufr, Sayyidina Adam (as)
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