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Tag Archives: ummah
why do Allah’s Prophets suffer
A question that keeps surfacing – people ask “Allah is all powerful, then why did His prophets suffer.” Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Qur'an & Tafsir
Tagged awliya, Divine Attributes, lives of prophets, prophets, ummah
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Condition of the Muslim Ummah
Salam Alaykum wrwb. I am deeply disturbed by what is happening in the Muslim world (especially in Palestine) with such unthinkable atrocities and loss. They are in my constant prayers but it feels like we need to do more. Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged du`a, fundraisers, Muslim world, Palestine, prayer, slogans, time of darkness, ummah
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Conveying the Reward of Good deeds
Whenever I do any worship/charity other than Farz I convey the expected reward to all the Muslims: dead and living and pray for their forgiveness and then mine. Usually I say O Allah I convey the reward of this deed with the tawassul of Syedna Muhammad (saws) to all the Muslims. Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged `ibadah, conveyance of reward, good deeds, Ihda, Sayyidina Muhammad, shafa`ah, tawassul, ummah
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About Feroza Stone
May Allah give you rewards for your services to the Ummah of the Prophet (SAW).
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged deflection of envy, feroza stone, gold ring, natural lines, sunnah ring, ummah
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Hadith on Women in Paradise
Is there an authentic hadith that says: “I entered Paradise and found that the majority of its inhabitants were women.”? Continue reading
Posted in Hadith
Tagged an-nisa, at-teeb, backbiting, broken-hearted, fitna, maqsureen al-jannah, paradise, perfume, prayer, respect to women, ummah, women
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Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
I was wondering if you could tell me the station of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen? Because I find it difficult to understand a few of what he is saying. Some of what he says makes sense because of the culture that we share… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged adab, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, fiqh, Hanafi, Imam Abu Hanifa, janaza, ummah
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Dream: Istikhara marriage
Brother,mom, me go buy white color sweets. I see a board with 2 on it… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged blue, brother, decision, die before death, dress, ego, emerald, family consultation, fly, grave, heavenly rains, istikhara, Ka`aba, Ka`ba, love interest, mother, Muzdalifa, number, prophetic lights, roof, safety, seclusion, seeking marriage, shining, silver, sister, sphinx, station, Sura Saba' name, sweets, top, ummah, uncovered, waiting, white
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Query about status of Sheikh Nazim ul Haqqani
I have studied a little bit about him…Muslim Ummah is waiting for a spirtual leader… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged awaiting, belief, Imam Mahdi, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, spiritual leader, ummah
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Syed marriages
Please Sheikh Nazim. many syed girls are suffering for being born Syeds. Please pray that this sect rule changes… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Marriage/Divorce, Women's Issues
Tagged Ahl al-Bayt, blood of Prophet (s), caste, family, hearts, marriages, nikah, parents, pride, proud, rules, sayyid, sect, ummah
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