Tag Archives: blue

Dream: Grandfather announcing my marriage

I dreamt few days back, before Fajr, that my Grandfather (expired) announces to my family that my marriage… Continue reading

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Dream: Istikhara marriage

Brother,mom, me go buy white color sweets. I see a board with 2 on it… Continue reading

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Dream: Known young man (I call him Z*** )

I was in a hall & there was a religious gathering going on. I was sitting at a small table with my younger brother… Continue reading

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Dream: Istikhara dream for marriage…

We’re different faiths and races, he’s open to the idea of Islam, so I’m putting my faith and trust in the Almighty… Continue reading

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Dream: Blue dress

I saw myself dressed in blue color. I was wearing silver color shoes that look nice on my feet and then I saw my hands having silver bangles… Continue reading

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Dream: Elderly person

I saw an elderly person with a long white beard, turban (white color), ring, and dress which were all in blue and green… Continue reading

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Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Nazim visits my home

I feel very happy to know the meaning of this dream. I am in my hometown and Mawlana Shaykh Nazim came to our home with Mawlana Shiekh Hisam and few senior mureeds… Continue reading

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I’ve been having dreams that I am flying into the sky, calling Allah, many times. I fly towards the sky where I can see a blue/green light. [fr]I’ve been having dreams that I am flying into the sky, calling Allah, many times. I fly towards the sky where I can see a blue/green light. [/fr] Continue reading

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Dream: Blue eyes
Les Yeux Bleus

I saw my eyes are blue and big(in reality I don’t have blue eyes). First in dream to see my eyes I thought that it’s not my eyes, but contact lenses, so I start observing my eyes.[fr]J’ai vu en rêve que j’avais des yeux bleus et larges (en réalité je n’ai pas les yeux bleus)…[/fr] Continue reading

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Les Yeux Bleus

Dream: Naqshbandi ZIkr

I had a dream of a naqshbandi mujaddadi waliullah he was wearing blue and then he was on a throne the background was white and cloudy and kind of heavenly. Continue reading

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