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Tag Archives: drink
Dream: Tasty Drink and Surat al-Falaq
I had a dream that there was a large pitcher made from silver and in it there was orange juice with some ice cubes… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliyaullah, baby, drink, honey, husband, ice cubes, mother, orange juice, pitcher, pregnant, protection, Quran, recite, silver, Sunnah, Surat al-Falaq, taste
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Onion Juice for Prostrate Cancer
My uncle was diagnosed with prostrate cancer in its advanced stage… Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged cup, drink, evening, Grandshaykh's Prescription for Cancer, juice, morning, onion, onion juice, Prophetic Medicine, prostate cancer, Shaykh Nazim prescription for cancer, shifa, small cup, Tibb Nabawi, type, uncle
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Breastfeeding while pregnant
I would like to ask if it is ok to continue breastfeeding a baby if you find out you are pregnant… Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Nazim visits my home
I feel very happy to know the meaning of this dream. I am in my hometown and Mawlana Shaykh Nazim came to our home with Mawlana Shiekh Hisam and few senior mureeds… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angelic blessings, bad taste, blue, brother, container, delicious, Divine Knowledge, drink, empty bucket, home, hometown, interest, love, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, murids, pour, senior mureeds, service, silsila, tariqah, tongue, visit, water
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Dream: Blood pouring out of mouth and nose
I had a dream where I drank something and then I started to feel weird… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged black magic, bleeding, blood, cold season, drink, end of trouble, evil speech, health, household, mouth, nose, paymend of debt, sihr, winter
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Dream: Heaven’s door
I had a dream in which I was in my house and my older sister went to the kitchen took a plate of food and a drink and walked into another room disappearing… Continue reading