Tag Archives: angry
Dream: Dog, wasp and cigarette
1. In my living room at home I see a pet dog there with me. A brown dog with large… Continue reading
Are you angry with me Mawlana?
Mowlana I keep visioning you whilst being awake for a few seconds then you go… Continue reading
Unemployed Husband
I’m a working woman who’s married to a foreigner… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Upset at failing all tests
I find it very difficult to remain silent when I should instead start to bray like a donkey… Continue reading
Urgent need of advice
I need your dua and advice as I am extremly sad and worry about my married life. From few months my husband… Continue reading
Dream: Elderly person
I saw an elderly person with a long white beard, turban (white color), ring, and dress which were all in blue and green… Continue reading
How to get rid of anger and jealousy
I am in desperate and urgent need of a Dua to remove anger and jealousy… Continue reading
Dream: At a Restaurant
I dreamt that I was traveling in Europe and planning with a group to go out to eat… Continue reading
Dream: A fruit vendor
1-I had a dream that I and my elder brother went to a fruit vendor.I bought guava which were quite fresh… Continue reading
Seeking Marriage and Peaceful Home
1) I’m a female married. Almost every Ramadan I remember, I described to Allah the person I would like to marry… Continue reading