Tag Archives: darood
Darkness in the dream:
Last night I saw a dream in which I’m in my house and I am surrounded by black darknesses Continue reading
Reciting dur̄ud upon seeing the Shaykh or someone of high status
What does the Sharia say about reciting dur̄ud collectively… Continue reading
Madh, Tasliyah
I’m doing my Master’s thesis on Tasliyah. To begin with, what are the relations of Madih Nabawi and Tasliyah? Continue reading
Dream: Reciting Darood Shareef with Shaykh Hisham
I dreamt that there were many muslims gathered together facing Shaykh Hisham. Everyone was reciting darood shareef. Continue reading
Sweet Smell
I have a sweet smell which comes into my room sometimes, I have noticed it is every time I am doing salawat. A few months back I was really concentrating on my salawats and doing it daily, when I used to… Continue reading
How to acquire divine knowledge
I would like to ask you if you know how I can gain ilm gaib and other divine knowledge. Please tell me the durood Allah SWT recites upon Rasulallah S.A.W.W and please tell us the ism e azam. Continue reading
The salawat that shaykh Hisham write in his book named Salawat of tremendous blessings, salawat Nuraniyyah, the 1st salawat in the book, says that the reciter receives 800,000… Continue reading
Durood Permissibility
For a woman who is a mureed in general, is it permissible to recite Dalailul Khayrat or Quran (during the days when she is not allowed to offer salah)… Continue reading
About dreaming of our Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
Could you please state some authentic dua or any amal which could increase my chance of seeing our Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)… Continue reading