Tag Archives: flying


AOA. bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. assalato wassalamo alika ya Rasul Allah pbuh. I’m having a fear for the last few months is that some thing going on my mind day and night. Continue reading

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Dream: Flying with senior murids

There is a gathering of non-Muslims who wanted to know about Islam. We were worried that the Muslim people will drive them away from Islam because of their harsh approach. Then a very senior-murid of sultanul-Awliya… Continue reading

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Dream: Flying, birds and a friend

I was lifted up in my standing posture and the higher I went the more my heart was… Continue reading

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Dream: Flying out of earth into space and beyond

I was shopping in a store at night when the store closed, gates got locked, & lights turned off while I was still in it… Continue reading

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Dream: Plant thief

I saw in my dream a young boy with yellow coloured shalwar stealing a plant in the front of my old house… Continue reading

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Dream: Playing Frisbee in a Park

The dream starts off with me playing frisbee with someone (seems older and more religious than me) in a park,… Continue reading

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Dream: Reading the Quran

1. I had a dream where I read Surah an Nas, al Falaq, and al Ikhlas three times in all… Continue reading

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Dream: The pigeon

I was walking in a downtown area with tall buildings around… I also couldn’t see anybody around me… Continue reading

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Dream: Dreaming about the animal kingdom

I heard Mawlana Shaykh Hisham HafidhAllahu’s voice reciting the most beautiful, rhythmic dhikr… Continue reading

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Dream: Dinosaur in Pakistan

I saw myself with few people and there was very big dinosaur, comes to where we are and eats up one very famous TV journalist, who hosts a talk show… Continue reading

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