Tag Archives: end times

The Kingdom of Solomon a.s. and Mahdi a.s.

Our Beloved Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani (q) mentions that the Jinn will build palaces for Mahdi (a.s.) and he will rule the world with miracles. Continue reading

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May my salams reach everyone. I was wondering if there’s any truth behind the Mayan prophecy, in which their calendar ends on December 21, 2012… Continue reading

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Dream: Swords

There was a former king of a kingdom country has gem studded expensive sword. I thought of stealing it but I did not. Then again recently saw Maulana has a sword… Continue reading

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Days of Peace

Grand Shaykh Abdullah Faiz Ad’Dagestani Q.S. prophesied a time of peace wherein ever conflict will be put to an end. No one will expect war to ever return. Continue reading

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Dream: Zikr by Allah(swt)

I saw this dream a few years back. I saw myself standing alone and watching the night sky… Continue reading

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Dream: of Prophet Isa (a.s.)

I had a strange experience last year while nearly asleep. I saw a glowing face beside my bed, just a golden outline of a man’s face, and I felt that it was Isa (AS) who was staring at me… Continue reading

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Investing in a new business when Imam Mahdi is near

My fiance wants to setup a new business. He is currently working as a teacher and is finding it harder and harder to cope financially. Continue reading

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Dream: zikr in my village

I had a dream that all the streets of my village were full of people attending zikr. Continue reading

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Dream: Am I a healer now? Is it real?

One night after Maghrib prayer, I saw Imam Mahdi and My mursheed (Syeikh Imam Ashaari Muhammad At Tamimi), in a spiritual form. Continue reading

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Daily Dhikr

I do daily dhikr (Allah 5,000x with tongue, 5,000x with the heart, and 1,000x or 2,000x Shalawat), and if I will do simultaneously dhikr for peace in end time that containing : Continue reading

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