Tag Archives: advice
It is not clear what the situation is so I can only answer in general terms that the leader of the zawiyah can only interfere if there is inappropriate behavior or danger… Continue reading
Asking a shaykh to decide on one’s marriage
Firstly I have seen sometimes the shaykhs informing the marriage mustnt take place and that the couple will split or wont be happy or will be happy in the beginning but split later. the side that consults then abandons the marriage preparation. Shouldnt these families and individuals be seeking the decision of their shaykhs BEFORE meeting the prospective bridegroom/bride and other side? Continue reading
Question to Shaykh Gibril
I acted like Shaytan. Someone asked me about one of the biggest sin and I did discourage sincerely from not doing that. My heart was so dark at that time that I was feeling happy inside me that she was going to do that… Continue reading
Positive Response
Sheikh recently a positive response from you was given regarding Istikhara based on… Continue reading
I currently work within the education sector in UK as a Data Manager in a school… Continue reading
Making A Choice
Oh Sheikhs, we ask your advise and wisdom as we have come to a crosspath. I am currently working for a company… Continue reading
New constrution
I am going to start a new house construction. I am seeking dua for non-disturbance till finish, and advice… Continue reading
Understanding Suluk
1. jamaa actually there are still some who smoke even though doing furtively, and I also give a copy of the shuhba… Continue reading