Tag Archives: community


I’m currently living in a country where I am far away from home. I have practically no family or friends around. I sometimes feel very very lonely and my only hope is that my lord is with me. Continue reading

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Making A Choice

Oh Sheikhs, we ask your advise and wisdom as we have come to a crosspath. I am currently working for a company… Continue reading

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Mazhab and Prayers

1) I live in a country where majority are Shafi’e Mazhab.However, after marriage I made intention to switch to Hanafi… Continue reading

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Baitul mal

Kindly clear my doubt about baitul mal it’s benefit, and how it should not be misused… Continue reading

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Evil family members

What does Islam say about family members who are evil and greedy? Do you need to speak to them when only they make you angry and push you away from Islam?… Continue reading

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Resuming prayers after childbirth

I have just finished the 40th day after giving birth and wanted to know when to resume my prayers… Continue reading

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Dream: Feet of Shaykh Nazim

I had a dream about Shaykh Nazim, I was in the garage of my house and the Shaykh was with me,… Continue reading

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Eid al-Adha and Moon-Sighting

Q: Every year at times of Eid (Fitr and Adha), there is dispute regarding when it is. Many who are ahlusunnah wal jamaah sight the hadith about starting the month with sighting of the moon. [fr]Q: Every year at times of Eid (Fitr and Adha), there is dispute regarding when it is. Many who are ahlusunnah wal jamaah sight the hadith about starting the month with sighting of the moon. [/fr] Continue reading

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