Tag Archives: celebrate
Allowing non-Muslim staff to Celebrate Holidays
I would really ask for an opinion from Sheik Hisham as this is a very big problem for me. I live in a Buddhist country and as of yesterday… Continue reading
Dream: My grandmother and the ruby
) My mother dreamt she was in her mother’s room with her mother, one of her sisters and and one of her nieces… Continue reading
About Ijmah of Scholars on the birth date of Prophet (s)
I was talking to a Salafi guy about the Mawlid Un Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam & he said that there is a ijmah of Scholars on 12th of Rabi ul Aw’wal to be the day of Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam’s passing away from this world… Continue reading
Eid al-Adha and Moon-Sighting
Q: Every year at times of Eid (Fitr and Adha), there is dispute regarding when it is. Many who are ahlusunnah wal jamaah sight the hadith about starting the month with sighting of the moon. [fr]Q: Every year at times of Eid (Fitr and Adha), there is dispute regarding when it is. Many who are ahlusunnah wal jamaah sight the hadith about starting the month with sighting of the moon. [/fr] Continue reading