Doubts in faith- waswas and evil thoughts


JazakAllah Khair
for answring my previous qs.Alhamdullilah I am under Sheikh Nazim’s baya.
Pls advice me how the battle waswas and thoughts of disbelief.I don’t want to die as a kufr or a disbeliever.I want to strengthen my iman & live my life acc. to Allah SWT.I know & believe in the Shahadah but I am getting opposite thoughts in my mind.I fear Allah Ta’ala & fear going to hell.Thoughts come to my head tht I can’t even bring to my lips Astaghfirullah!I am losing my peace of mind.I blame myself for getting like this as I have been inconsistent with my religious duties,but these thoughts won’t leave me.I have always had dreams and thoughts of being a good Muslim and praying to Allah Ta’ala nice and peacefully but why am I feeling this.I don’t want to die committing shirk for no reason.Please advise me, JazakAllah Khair!


wa `alaykum salam,

See the post by Shaykh Hisham “Whispers” and follow it’s advice.


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